Every child is born different and to each is special in their own way. Im a proud mother of my very Special son....
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
some videos for sharing
So very impressed!!!!
Went to a school open house today and i was awed, impressed and determined to send zyon there for his primary studies.
Its a special school catered for children diagnosed with autism. When i arrived at the school this morning, first thought that popped into my head was "wow, zy is going to love it here". Second thought was "omg, zyon IS gonna love it here" . And after walking deeper into the premise, reaching the auditorium, my third thought was "WOW, ZYON IS GOING TO LOVE IT HERE". I cant express that thrill i felt at that moment in words, but every step that i took in that school, just made me feel 'oh-so-right'. Every step i made makes my eyes well p in tears. YES, THIS IS THE PLACE I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR. The place i had pictured in my mind ever since i tried walking into the world of autism, my son's world. I just didnt know that such a place REALLY exists!!!!!! Now that i've found it, i dont wanna lose any chance and miss it.
The environment is clean, bright and airy, everything is handled in a great order, the classrooms are filled with information and routines, each student is being cared for by their personality and kept in track according to their likes and acceptance of their daily activities that we take for granted. In short, this is a place of acceptance, help and respect. Their curriculum consists of social and life skills, and not to forget of cos the usual subjects.
They take note of every single small details that even we as main caregivers of our child miss! If like me you have a child with autism im sure u know the kind of dedication n devotion we have for our child and yet it never occured to me that such small details like the different water taps you see in malls and public places would be quite a problem! Or maybe its jusﹰt me?? Im guilty.
They have a huge library , gym and hall for PE. Bakery, com lab, science lab... etc. Its just perfect.
God, pls let me get a spot for my baby!!!! Will update more!!!
Monday, February 25, 2013
Progress n updates
I've been really busy hence the delay in updating on zyon's progress. Plus everyone in the family has been taking turns in falling sick, the usual sore throat and runny nose... plah.... Oh and not to mention Chinese New Year just passed!!!! Busy like a bee..... buzzzzzzzz.
okok enough of ranting nonsense just to fill up the space while thinking how im gonna start writing this post hahahah *embarrased*
The good news is, Zyon has been really responsive but towards me the most :p now when i call out to him, i dont have to keep repeating like as though he cant seem to hear me, but he responds immediately. Running to me no matter where he is. Im so happy!!! Its like hey this is one of the things people tend to take for granted. However, lke i said , to me only.... hm....
The bad news is as he grows, i realised he is starting to have routines. Issues like his toy fell to the floor, he'll pick it up, throw it on the floor , pick it up again, throw it down, pick it up, throw it down and pick it up, then moves on with the toy finally in his hands. Or when zonya takes the toy from him, he will take my hand to gesture me to take it back from zonya, and when i got zonya to return him the toy, (which she will) then he takes it from her, return it to her and get my hand to take it from zonya. In other words he wants ME to take it from zonya and pass it back to him...
I have been waiting for Zyon's EIPIC program to start and i have specifically chosen the center where waiting time is a month's time. Thinking its really good that zyon can start early. But its almost 2 months now and nobody has informed me of anything yet. But zyon's school is doing something. HAHA. YEAH THE SCHOOL IS DOING SOMETHING.
Apparently, there is a special needs teacher in his school thats been liaising with him for a while now and she calls me from time to time to let me know about his progress in school. We've been working together rather closely now and the school is as nervous as i am in regards to the start of Zyon's EIPIC program. Finally i am more or less assured that this aint as bad as i thought. School's been quite ok and they've called, wrote and spoke to me. Lets see how it goes from here #^_^ Peace!!!!!!!!
Friday, February 1, 2013
im a super proud mother
We brought zy for the appointment with the Psychologist in the hospital previously. Well, this time round, even though i felt its always "the same routine" , i kindda like the psychologist. Okok maybe becos she seemed so sincere and nice :) When we arrived, she was so bubbly and fresh , calling out to zyon. I liked that. Probably because im so sick of professionals looking at my son like he is a "thing". An object. But this psychologist, shes nice.
When we started the session, she asked me questions that i think just KK alone, i have repeated like at least 6 times... even though on the file it already stated EVERYTHING (stare blankly). Anyways, she then started to play with zyon according to the system called..... hm.... ok i forgot what its called but its a series of toys and levels to see how he fares. She told me to just sit there and when im needed she will let me know. So i thought ... ok. I then kept very quiet and sat there watching them like a nosey stranger.
After her 1 hr session with zyon alone, she scribbled notes on her paper and told me to get zyon to do this and that. Zy cooperated nicely... *tink tink* hahaha then she started explaining to me what is her overall diagnosis.
She diagnosed my little baby boy " Classic Autism " - High functioning.
The reason for my sighing was because when it all started, i was hoping it isnt autism that im facing. But it turned out yes. Then i was hoping it would not be classic... turns out...... sigh........
However, she added that she was very optimistic about zy, because he listens to instructions. When she told zy to keep the toys, he did what he was told to do. So i told her that zy understands instructions given. And the best part was zy actually returned all the toys to her when he was told to!! even i was surprised!!!! He did really well. I then told her, "i read that children with Autism are very focused on certain things hence they will be able to excel in that area, m still trying to figure out what is zyon's strength, what can i do to help him?"
She looked at me with a surprised facial expression, then answered, "his strength is being able to understand everything! Children with Autism usually are not able to do that but for zyon, the reason why im so optimistic is because he is able to understand everything!"
I was shocked.
At that moment, i felt so proud of my little boy. Its not that im not proud of him before knowing this, but im extra extra proud when i heard those words coming out from a professional psychologist!! But i felt a little sad after fully digesting it. Because it would have meant that zyon had undergone a certain amount of pressure to be able to achieve this and it must have felt bad... although im always there, but as humans we all have moments of loneliness... but we are capable of expressing and talking to friends or family to make us feel better. For zyon, its hard for him to express and he is non verbal yet.... it must have been really hard on him...
Anyways, after that appointment, we went for the last appointment in terms of his diagnosis. The doctor told me again what the psychologist said and explained in a more detailed manner. Then i asked her about school.
"Can u tell me after all these years of seeing so many children diagnosed wth Autism, what are the chances of zyon going to a mainstream school?" i was so nervous when i asked her this that i felt like puking.
"hm....... i guess you will have to consider pathlight or eden. To be able to go to a mainstream school, im looking at 10%. "
*sigh* Thank goodness i already checked out these 2 schools 2 months ago and already jotted down their opening house date in my schedule book... Thats y mental preparation is very important!!!! Thank goodness im not ignorant. haha
Well, even though the chances of zy not being able to attend a mainstream school is high, but im not sad. So long as he is happy and healthy, really, i have no more complains. Special school would be much better because basically im not looking at As and acedemic results from zy... just so long he makes friends and interact with other people, im happy. Mainstream schools would be too pressurizing for my baby. I rather not. So, see it aint such a bad thing after all. :)
I must say zyon taught me alot of things about life. Good and bad. Im so so proud of my little boy. I really wanna thank god for giving me my precious son.
"Zyzy.... mommy will be by u and love you for the rest of my life. Lets hold hands and walk side by side until you find your partner in life to continue that journey with you... i love you..."
the 3 words my son never says but shows me everyday
"I LOVE YOU" He tries his best to accept what is asked of him on a daily basis whether or not he likes it or being able to acc...
Another week has past by!!! woo! And zyon's been making progress! Let me first update you on zyon's meet up with the Preschool...
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hey there! Just moved house and currently still trying to settle down hence havent been blogging for like the longest time.... ok, the rea...