When i first went school hunting, i was really stressed due to the first attempt that failed terribly and the last thing i wanted was for my little boy to be afraid of this place called "school".
My husband and i went searching high and low for schools and they were either too low in standards in their curriculum or the school environment was really awful. Awful in a sense that the corners, mats and toilet were nothing but filth and dirt! This wasnt the kind of school i had in mind for my son's foundation for education. So it was really tiring and disappontment came again and again until we passed by 1 school.
The school looked clean and new, it had a swimming pool and a playground. We decided to make an appointment to view and find out more. On the day of viewing, we brought zy along to show him the environment and also see if he could accept the place. We first met up with the Person in charge and she showed us the school and classes explaining how their education system works. The classes were clean and bright, lobby was great with all kinds of alphabets and pictures of flowers. We were there after school hours and the teachers were sending the kids to their parents at the door but before they do that they were actualy singing and dancing a "goodbye song" which i felt would attract my little boy since i have been doing that fom the moment he was born. The teachers didnt mind the fact that they acted like clowns and they take great care of each and every child. That caught my attention. When we finally sat down , i was already happy with the environment, the next step was to talk about my concerns. I explained that my son has a problem, he refuses to talk and he doesnt really know how to express himself and immediately the PIC told me his behaviour becos she was watching him while talking to us. She explained my son's character and personality without me saying a word to her, and i was shocked. My tears flowed and i got really agitated becos it was like "finally! finally someone understands me!!! finally someone understand my baby!!!!" And she continues saying "mommy, dont stress yourself up, things will turn out fine and he will be fine. dont think that he has a problem. if you believe he has a problem he will have a problem, but if you think that he doesnt have a problem , he will not have a problem, you have to support him and accept him the way he is and he will be fine." I knew in that instance if i dont sign up for my boy i will be an idiot.
So a week later zy started attending his new school. It was still the holiday period for school , but his teacher told us they would like him to go in and familiarize the environment first before the other children comes in and that would intimidate him. For this they will not charge me, it will be free of charge, no school fees needed. I thought how sincere is the school! i was excited and soon enough zy started his first day. Cry, yes he did. But after a while he stopped. 2nd day still crying.. but stopped earlier than the first. 3rd day made a little noise but was alright soon enough and the next thing i knew, my boy looks forward to going to school every day! On weekends when there was no school, he would take his schoolbag, bring it to me and bring pull my hand to the door telling me he wants to go to school. I was happy.
1st month, he learned to dance and would blabber baby words.
2nd month, he came home and kept his toys back to their original places (i used to do it for him all the time)
3rd month, i caught him walking into school sat down on the bench, took of his shoes, put them neatly on the shoe rack that was meat for his class and walk into the lobby area to get ready for lineup and came home take off his own shoe put them on the rack, take his bath towel and wait for me in the bathroom for his shower . Put his clothes into the laundry basket.
4th month, started to read his books on his own from his little bookshelf.
Although he hasnt started to talk but all these proved his progress! I was thrlled at the things my son could do! i was too protective and usually he was the mama's boy and now he could do all these things by himself i was really proud.
Then one day the school told us the online surround cctv is up and that we parents can now go online to see what our child is doing in class, of cos as a protective parent, i made sure i log in everyday to see what he does in school until the time i had to pick him up. He is very close to his teacher and sometimes i even see his teacher hugging him from the cctv. He would wait intently for me at the school bench everyday after school and as soon as he sees my face, waves his teacher goodbye and we will go home. i would ask "darling, how is school today?" And of cos he will not reply me but he looks at me and smile sometimes blabber in baby language.
His teacher then mentioned to me one day that she is trying to teach him to mouth words ans i thanked her profusely becos when i do that my little boy usually wants me to play with him rather than teach him new words... he is such an affectionate boy.
I was still in bed one morning and felt someone touching me, when i opened my eyes i saw my boy touching my face kissed me! i was so touched by his affection. My bestie then told me thats becos i have always showed him affection and thus he is doing the same back to me.. i was really crying already then. Annd becos im very afraid of house lizards, my boy was influenced by me and too started to be afraid of them, and there was this incident whereby i screamed really loudly when i saw ne house lizard stuck on the sticky tape that i used to stick his alphabets poster, he went forward to the poster and screamed at the lizard, blabbered something and ran back to me like trying to chase it away.. my son was protecting me, or so i think.
Given all these, i still feel even though he is affectionate, improved so much so much, i thanked the school, i need to bring him for an assessment for autism and so i made a few necessary phone calls, contacted a center for autism assessment and made an appointment.
I watched a couple of videos on YouTube on autistic children and i just cried. becos the images on the videos, i felt i was watchng my son. I was already 90 percent confirmed on my own that my son is autistic.
My boy is starting to sound out alphabets and he surprised me by pointing to the alphabets, shapes and colors when i asked him!!!So it meant he did listen to me when i was teaching him!!!! Again! IM A PROUD MAMA!!!
Im writing this blog so as to tell all the mothers who has a child facing autism not to give up and that u r not alone. Follow me as we embark on this journey together. And if you need someone to talk to, you can always drop me an email at kingyomama@gmail.com .
remember you r not alone. there will always be hope.
Every child is born different and to each is special in their own way. Im a proud mother of my very Special son....
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