Wednesday, October 24, 2012

see, listen and observe I

I didnt bring Zy in to school one day becos he kept crying since 6am in the morning. I guessed it was a case of  bad tummy, he vomitted 3 times due to the gag while crying.. so i tried putting on medication and rubbed his tummy, eventually he fell asleep..

Becos he hasnt started to talk and he doesnt really know how to express himself, i always had to guess why is he crying.

Finally when he woke up he was like his usual self again however refused lunch. fussy eater. Awhile later, he was smiling and laughing as well as playing his toys. I was stilll in the midst of learning the habits and emotions of an autistic child so it was really quite stressful. A part of me was screaming inside and disagreeing that my child is autistic and another part of me is calm and is determined to help my son in ways that i can.

At noon, he was playing beside me while i was doing some things and when i turned to look at what he was up to, i saw that he actually took the ear thermometer and placed the tip into his ear looked at me and smiled. "taking his own temperature" Was that pretend play?

Things look good when he starts to pretend play~

After a long nap, he woke up and sat on a couch, i walked over and smiled then said "good afternoon!"
He looked into my eyes and smiled !!! (see! eye contact!! good eye contact!!)

Evening came and we decided to bring him to an indoor playground not far from our house to have some fun, there were a few times he wanted to join in with the other children running around the area but he doesnt know how to join in and becos he wasnt talking when they tried to talk to him he never replies, and so they left him alone. It was only when they start screaming and running again he laughed along and wanted to join in. Then again like distracted, he walks away and playing with daddy again....

I wanted to cry~ i asked myself

"why is my son so lonely?"

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