All children are a gift to their parents. And as parents, no matter what our child is like or whatever condition they were born with, we shouldnt be ashamed of them. And as any other people, you shouldnt judge children who are special nor should you judge their parents.
Here is a link of a young mother and her son was born with some conditions..
I admire and salute this young mom.
Please watch the video and if possible share it....
Every child is born different and to each is special in their own way. Im a proud mother of my very Special son....
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
to bring or not to bring?
Brought the kids out today to the indoor playground that we always went. But came back feeling rather upset..
When we reached the playground, there were 2 kids already playing in there but their mother came and said it was time for them to go, so the whole playground was only us. Of cos me and the husband then played with the kids and had fun and suddenly 5 children (sporeans) came along. 2 boys and 3 girls.
As soon as they came into the playground, one of the boys took a toy gun and his brother shouted "uick! shoot the bad guy!!" And they were "pretend-shooting" zyon. Maybe i shouldnt take it so hard but hey , im zyon's mother and knowing that becos my baby is not really that verbal yet he havent had peers that he can call friends. And is this the only things other people can say to him??? Darn i felt so upset! Then they ran away screaming and laughing.
Zyon as usual, saw kids running was so happy! So he followed them, wantng to join in and play together, and of cos they sort of ignored him. And he was alone.. seeing this i praised him and said "wow!! baby go to the slide!!yay!!" And he went. Laughed and smile at me. Then the same boy told his brother "hey shoot there shoot there!!" and pointed at me. I looked back, smiled and said, "why shoot me? what about i shoot you?" He laughed and said "no". In my heart i was like "pppppffffttttt!!!!!!"
Wherever they go, zyon followed, but they continued to ignore him and i continued to play and laugh with my son, letting him know that mommy is there :)
They set up a fake house and started "pretend play" and zyon wanted to go in, but they blocked the passage way and refused to let him join in, so seeing this i was so sad....... Then when zyon tried to go in again, they said "hey this is our house, dont!!!" i told zyon immediately "baby mommy will play with you, come lets go mommy carry you and we'll go elsewere alrght?" So though relctant, he let me carry him out....
I always wanted zyon to be able to play and mix around with other kids, but it seems becos of his verbal, all the kids do this to him. I say this becos this is not the first time. Seeing zyon sad makes me, his mother feel worse than ever! so i teared.
Its times like this, i hate the world.
I hate myself for bringing a life to this ugly world to suffer.
I dont know if bringing him to the playground is fun for him or hurting his feelings through and through...?
When we reached the playground, there were 2 kids already playing in there but their mother came and said it was time for them to go, so the whole playground was only us. Of cos me and the husband then played with the kids and had fun and suddenly 5 children (sporeans) came along. 2 boys and 3 girls.
As soon as they came into the playground, one of the boys took a toy gun and his brother shouted "uick! shoot the bad guy!!" And they were "pretend-shooting" zyon. Maybe i shouldnt take it so hard but hey , im zyon's mother and knowing that becos my baby is not really that verbal yet he havent had peers that he can call friends. And is this the only things other people can say to him??? Darn i felt so upset! Then they ran away screaming and laughing.
Zyon as usual, saw kids running was so happy! So he followed them, wantng to join in and play together, and of cos they sort of ignored him. And he was alone.. seeing this i praised him and said "wow!! baby go to the slide!!yay!!" And he went. Laughed and smile at me. Then the same boy told his brother "hey shoot there shoot there!!" and pointed at me. I looked back, smiled and said, "why shoot me? what about i shoot you?" He laughed and said "no". In my heart i was like "pppppffffttttt!!!!!!"
Wherever they go, zyon followed, but they continued to ignore him and i continued to play and laugh with my son, letting him know that mommy is there :)
They set up a fake house and started "pretend play" and zyon wanted to go in, but they blocked the passage way and refused to let him join in, so seeing this i was so sad....... Then when zyon tried to go in again, they said "hey this is our house, dont!!!" i told zyon immediately "baby mommy will play with you, come lets go mommy carry you and we'll go elsewere alrght?" So though relctant, he let me carry him out....
I always wanted zyon to be able to play and mix around with other kids, but it seems becos of his verbal, all the kids do this to him. I say this becos this is not the first time. Seeing zyon sad makes me, his mother feel worse than ever! so i teared.
Its times like this, i hate the world.
I hate myself for bringing a life to this ugly world to suffer.
I dont know if bringing him to the playground is fun for him or hurting his feelings through and through...?
Monday, November 26, 2012
3 yr olds wants to be Independent?? or so you say it!
So fast another week just flew past!! zooooom~~~~
let me just update what happened the past week! Zyon had a poop red alert! And another meet the parents session in his school.... sigh.....
Couple of days ago zyzy wanted to poop and he ddnt tell me about it but when straight to the toilet himself! I was in the room doing some stuffs and usually he will be around me then suddenly he stormed off, i thought he went to get some toys in the living room. Then so suddenly i heard him crying and yelling so ii rushed out of te room and saw him coming straight at me!! As he was running he was crying and poo was falling out from him pants!!!! Ah~~~~~ I ran toward him and said "its alright baby~~~ you wanna poo huh..... its ok" . He kept pulling his ants and i saw it was way half down but no fully so i took it off for him. Then he ran back to the toilet. Zonya (my little girl) was on the floor crawling and i realized there is a huge possibility that she might start playing with the poo thats on the floor , so left with not much choice i cleaned the floor first since zyon was back in the toilet.
While i was cleaning the floor i heard splashes of water, and soon enough after cleaning i ran straight to the toilet to see what was zyon doing. I stopped just right outside the toilet while my son was crying i started to laugh! He was using the bucket and scooping water from the big bucket i have to store clean water and kept splashing on his thighs trying to clean himself up! i thought to myself "wow.. my baby boy is all grown up!!" So i went in and while cleaning him up said "its ok baby, its ok.. mommy knows you are trying to go to the toilet yourself but couldnt go on time..its ok alright?".. And he finally stopped when all was cleaned!!
Apparently, he wanted to go to the toilet to poop but he couldnt take off his pants in time and he couldnt bear with it anymore so he pooped in his pants... So after when i was dressing him up, i told him "baby when you want to go to the toilet you have to let mommy know so that i can help you ok? And when you go to school get the teacher to help as well alright?" Of course becos zyon is not really talking yet so this is really a headache for me. If he were to do the same thing to his teacher, im quite sure he would not be understood ......
The whole day later and the days after that day, everytime he wants to pee or poo, he'll pull my hand and get me to go to the toilet wth him. Then on saturday, another meet the parents session. His teacher spoke to me and asked if i have any pllans for him next year, so i told her everything would have to wait till we see the doctor in kk hospital again.. And she understands, she went on to talk about zyon's behaviour in school.
She told me, zyon has an issue in regards to going to the toilet, she realize that if he goes to the toilet alone, its very likely that he would pee in his pants. And he would really just try to go to the toilet himself. (maybe becos his classmates are going to the toilet themselves and he wants to do the same thing) So i explained to her, becos his pants are not very loose, he's got a problem trying to remove his pants. And she agrees! she then told me a couple of times she saw zyon trying to go to the toilet but cant remove his pants himself and she agrees the pants are the problem to this. Other than this issue, he is totally like an average child in school. He is focusing and trying, then she showed me his art works and books in school. And mentioned that he has improved alot.
She is worried about how the other teachers, she was saying to teach zyon, there has to be alot of patience, but sadly some people just dont have that much of patience. Which i totally agree. Not every teacher can teach with passion.
As zyon grows, he surprises me with things that i never guessed he would do! Cute to the MAX.
let me just update what happened the past week! Zyon had a poop red alert! And another meet the parents session in his school.... sigh.....
Couple of days ago zyzy wanted to poop and he ddnt tell me about it but when straight to the toilet himself! I was in the room doing some stuffs and usually he will be around me then suddenly he stormed off, i thought he went to get some toys in the living room. Then so suddenly i heard him crying and yelling so ii rushed out of te room and saw him coming straight at me!! As he was running he was crying and poo was falling out from him pants!!!! Ah~~~~~ I ran toward him and said "its alright baby~~~ you wanna poo huh..... its ok" . He kept pulling his ants and i saw it was way half down but no fully so i took it off for him. Then he ran back to the toilet. Zonya (my little girl) was on the floor crawling and i realized there is a huge possibility that she might start playing with the poo thats on the floor , so left with not much choice i cleaned the floor first since zyon was back in the toilet.
While i was cleaning the floor i heard splashes of water, and soon enough after cleaning i ran straight to the toilet to see what was zyon doing. I stopped just right outside the toilet while my son was crying i started to laugh! He was using the bucket and scooping water from the big bucket i have to store clean water and kept splashing on his thighs trying to clean himself up! i thought to myself "wow.. my baby boy is all grown up!!" So i went in and while cleaning him up said "its ok baby, its ok.. mommy knows you are trying to go to the toilet yourself but couldnt go on time..its ok alright?".. And he finally stopped when all was cleaned!!
Apparently, he wanted to go to the toilet to poop but he couldnt take off his pants in time and he couldnt bear with it anymore so he pooped in his pants... So after when i was dressing him up, i told him "baby when you want to go to the toilet you have to let mommy know so that i can help you ok? And when you go to school get the teacher to help as well alright?" Of course becos zyon is not really talking yet so this is really a headache for me. If he were to do the same thing to his teacher, im quite sure he would not be understood ......
The whole day later and the days after that day, everytime he wants to pee or poo, he'll pull my hand and get me to go to the toilet wth him. Then on saturday, another meet the parents session. His teacher spoke to me and asked if i have any pllans for him next year, so i told her everything would have to wait till we see the doctor in kk hospital again.. And she understands, she went on to talk about zyon's behaviour in school.
She told me, zyon has an issue in regards to going to the toilet, she realize that if he goes to the toilet alone, its very likely that he would pee in his pants. And he would really just try to go to the toilet himself. (maybe becos his classmates are going to the toilet themselves and he wants to do the same thing) So i explained to her, becos his pants are not very loose, he's got a problem trying to remove his pants. And she agrees! she then told me a couple of times she saw zyon trying to go to the toilet but cant remove his pants himself and she agrees the pants are the problem to this. Other than this issue, he is totally like an average child in school. He is focusing and trying, then she showed me his art works and books in school. And mentioned that he has improved alot.
She is worried about how the other teachers, she was saying to teach zyon, there has to be alot of patience, but sadly some people just dont have that much of patience. Which i totally agree. Not every teacher can teach with passion.
As zyon grows, he surprises me with things that i never guessed he would do! Cute to the MAX.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
so many medical terms = so many possiblities?
Have you ever heard of The einstein syndrome ? I came across this book while researching more on autism, and i must say just when you thought things are simple and "this is the condition" then pop! another term comes out and once again you feel like you're lost in what you thought you already knew.
Its vexing, confusing and frustrating.
As a mother who is worried and trying all ways and means wanting to help her child but has no medical knowledge background and certainly am not gifted like once you read about the "condition" you kow immediately what to do. Hey i mean if just by reading about autism on books and via the net and talking to doctors i will know everything then everyone can be a docor isnt it? Whats the point of doctors studying so hard then???
Anyways, like i was saying, the einstein syndrome, let me just give you a brief idea.:-
The Einstein Syndrome describes children who are exceptionally bright and exceptionally slow to develop the ability to speak. In addition to being intelligent, and unlikely to have a back-and-forth conversation before age four, these children often have some of the following commonalities1:
So, it made me pondered. When it says "exceptionally bright and intelligent" (the child) , how do you define "bright and intelligent"? How much is intelligent enough????
It is known that there are no specific ways to "confirm" a child to be autistic, they will have to follow a pattern of their actions and reactions to certain things. But what if the child was just being bored thats why he looks restless? what if the child infact can have verbal communication but its just that he or she doesnt want to? I mean how can one label a child, an individual , with conditions just base on spending 45 mins with the child who doesnt like strangers? I mean who says that ALL children are the same , get all chatty and happy when they see strangers ? Im sure as an individual their thinking should be just like any other people of all ages isnt it? For example i can just stay in the room for 24 hrs just reading and not talking to people, not eating. Would u define me as "depression"? In my point of view i just wanna do some reading and being alone is very good relaxation.
So how do doctors define an individual whether or not they have a problem?
I need answers to my questions but so far.... i havent got any real straight answers from anybody despite the fact that i've been to so many professional doctors.
Its vexing, confusing and frustrating.
As a mother who is worried and trying all ways and means wanting to help her child but has no medical knowledge background and certainly am not gifted like once you read about the "condition" you kow immediately what to do. Hey i mean if just by reading about autism on books and via the net and talking to doctors i will know everything then everyone can be a docor isnt it? Whats the point of doctors studying so hard then???
Anyways, like i was saying, the einstein syndrome, let me just give you a brief idea.:-
The Einstein Syndrome describes children who are exceptionally bright and exceptionally slow to develop the ability to speak. In addition to being intelligent, and unlikely to have a back-and-forth conversation before age four, these children often have some of the following commonalities1:
- Parents who are highly educated
- Strong musical gifts
- Many close relatives who are musicians
- An amazing ability to solve puzzles
- Lagging social development, thus leading to a misdiagnosis of autism
- Delayed toilet training abilities
- They are often boys
So, it made me pondered. When it says "exceptionally bright and intelligent" (the child) , how do you define "bright and intelligent"? How much is intelligent enough????
It is known that there are no specific ways to "confirm" a child to be autistic, they will have to follow a pattern of their actions and reactions to certain things. But what if the child was just being bored thats why he looks restless? what if the child infact can have verbal communication but its just that he or she doesnt want to? I mean how can one label a child, an individual , with conditions just base on spending 45 mins with the child who doesnt like strangers? I mean who says that ALL children are the same , get all chatty and happy when they see strangers ? Im sure as an individual their thinking should be just like any other people of all ages isnt it? For example i can just stay in the room for 24 hrs just reading and not talking to people, not eating. Would u define me as "depression"? In my point of view i just wanna do some reading and being alone is very good relaxation.
So how do doctors define an individual whether or not they have a problem?
I need answers to my questions but so far.... i havent got any real straight answers from anybody despite the fact that i've been to so many professional doctors.
Friday, November 16, 2012
a short yet inspiring story
came across this very very very short short short story thats so inspiring :-
When i was 5 years old, my mom always told me happiness was the key to life.
When i went to school,
They asked me what i wanted to be when i grew up.
I wrote down "happy".
They told me i didnt understand the assignment.
I told them they didnt understand life.
I hope it inspired you as much as it did to me.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
life is not a matter of milestones but of moments
seeing my baby girl at 1, understanding so many different words in her colorful board books i realized all these my baby boy didnt go through when he was at her age. Well it is true that girls mature faster than boys but because i was a first time mom when i had zyon, i didnt know that "this" was what he was supposed to be doing at age 1.
This proves that all along there were signs that my little boy was different but i thought it was "growing up".
However, lookng at my little boy now, he is so affectionate and so loving... so close to me... and i feel that nothing matters more than him being happy. He will not be bothered that he cant catch up with friends, he will not think whats cool and whats uncool among those kids when they are comparing, he will just do what he wants and be happy. And he will always be happy. Thats what all parent wanted isnt it? For your child to be happy and live life to their fullest doing whatever they like..
Looking at parents feeling the need that their child should be reaching their "milestones" somehow i feel it makes the child stressful. Issues like"oh shouldnt he be talking by now? oh shouldnt he be sayng sentences by now? oh, shouldnt he be doing this, imitating that, expressing himself, potty trained." And things like "according to the book he should be reaching this milestone, that milestone..."etc etc. Even though i am a parent myself, i feel for the "little people". When they were born, they start learning and facing pressure. Things like talking, using the cutleries, crawling, walking, making friends, going to school, learn, memorize their names and names of family members, perform dance or singing like they're animals in the zoo and have manners the society created called "civilization".
How would you feel if people are saying "oh you should be reaching this grade, that grade, oh you should be working in this job and not that, oh you should be finding this type of wife/ husband, oh you should be earning this amount of money, oh you should be doing this or that..." etc etc.??? you would end up feeling frustrated and get upset isnt it??
Who says that when taking a picture, the child has to look at the camera and say "cheeze" or freeze and smile till the pic is taken? Who says that the child has to keep quiet in a diner when the family is having dinner? who says that it is a must for the child to understand how to behave in different places? If your child speaks like an adult, understands his or her place in the society, behaves very well outdoors be it in the mall or any public area, congratulations. You have a bright and intelligent child. But for those who's child cannot behave themselves in public areas, scream and shout , dont look at the cameras when asked to take a picture, runs off when asked to meet "strangers" they first met..etc etc, all i wanna say is "hey, you are not alone." This is defintely not a case of bad parenting. But of cos if you really didnt teach your child, or have certain control then "its your issue" *coughs* but to those who already taught, and the child still acts like that, there MUST be a reason. And dont pull all the blame to yourself first, sometimes kids act the way they do its because they are feeling the pressure. They cant express themselves properly hence they act that way.
My son never looks at the camera unless he feels like it. My son never greets relatives or our friends when he sees them. My son screams and shouts at dining areas, malls and other public places when he is upset about something. You think he's a monster?
You dont know him.
He doesnt look at the camera because he doesnt like it. He never greets relatives or our friends when he sees them because he hasnt started verbal communication. He screams at dining areas becos he doesnt like whats on his plate and wants other kind of food. He screams in malls and other public places because he wants to stay longer but we said we had to leave, thus he has to leave too.
My son hugs and kisses me when he wakes up. My son picks up rubbish from the floor when he sees them lying around and throws them into the rubbish bin. My son cleans his sister's nose when he thinks its dirty. My son takes his own bath towel and goes to shower when i tell him its time to shower. My son puts down the things that i said he shouldnt be touching immediately when i told him to.
My son never met his milestone of his age. But sweet moments and gestures he portrays erased all the "he-should-but-didnt-do" away.
That is my special son.
Next time if you so happen to see a child behaving badly in public areas, dont judge him/ her or their parents yet. You dont know the full story. Leave all your judging judging your own life first.
seeing my baby girl at 1, understanding so many different words in her colorful board books i realized all these my baby boy didnt go through when he was at her age. Well it is true that girls mature faster than boys but because i was a first time mom when i had zyon, i didnt know that "this" was what he was supposed to be doing at age 1.
This proves that all along there were signs that my little boy was different but i thought it was "growing up".
However, lookng at my little boy now, he is so affectionate and so loving... so close to me... and i feel that nothing matters more than him being happy. He will not be bothered that he cant catch up with friends, he will not think whats cool and whats uncool among those kids when they are comparing, he will just do what he wants and be happy. And he will always be happy. Thats what all parent wanted isnt it? For your child to be happy and live life to their fullest doing whatever they like..
Looking at parents feeling the need that their child should be reaching their "milestones" somehow i feel it makes the child stressful. Issues like"oh shouldnt he be talking by now? oh shouldnt he be sayng sentences by now? oh, shouldnt he be doing this, imitating that, expressing himself, potty trained." And things like "according to the book he should be reaching this milestone, that milestone..."etc etc. Even though i am a parent myself, i feel for the "little people". When they were born, they start learning and facing pressure. Things like talking, using the cutleries, crawling, walking, making friends, going to school, learn, memorize their names and names of family members, perform dance or singing like they're animals in the zoo and have manners the society created called "civilization".
How would you feel if people are saying "oh you should be reaching this grade, that grade, oh you should be working in this job and not that, oh you should be finding this type of wife/ husband, oh you should be earning this amount of money, oh you should be doing this or that..." etc etc.??? you would end up feeling frustrated and get upset isnt it??
Who says that when taking a picture, the child has to look at the camera and say "cheeze" or freeze and smile till the pic is taken? Who says that the child has to keep quiet in a diner when the family is having dinner? who says that it is a must for the child to understand how to behave in different places? If your child speaks like an adult, understands his or her place in the society, behaves very well outdoors be it in the mall or any public area, congratulations. You have a bright and intelligent child. But for those who's child cannot behave themselves in public areas, scream and shout , dont look at the cameras when asked to take a picture, runs off when asked to meet "strangers" they first met..etc etc, all i wanna say is "hey, you are not alone." This is defintely not a case of bad parenting. But of cos if you really didnt teach your child, or have certain control then "its your issue" *coughs* but to those who already taught, and the child still acts like that, there MUST be a reason. And dont pull all the blame to yourself first, sometimes kids act the way they do its because they are feeling the pressure. They cant express themselves properly hence they act that way.
My son never looks at the camera unless he feels like it. My son never greets relatives or our friends when he sees them. My son screams and shouts at dining areas, malls and other public places when he is upset about something. You think he's a monster?
You dont know him.
He doesnt look at the camera because he doesnt like it. He never greets relatives or our friends when he sees them because he hasnt started verbal communication. He screams at dining areas becos he doesnt like whats on his plate and wants other kind of food. He screams in malls and other public places because he wants to stay longer but we said we had to leave, thus he has to leave too.
My son hugs and kisses me when he wakes up. My son picks up rubbish from the floor when he sees them lying around and throws them into the rubbish bin. My son cleans his sister's nose when he thinks its dirty. My son takes his own bath towel and goes to shower when i tell him its time to shower. My son puts down the things that i said he shouldnt be touching immediately when i told him to.
My son never met his milestone of his age. But sweet moments and gestures he portrays erased all the "he-should-but-didnt-do" away.
That is my special son.
Next time if you so happen to see a child behaving badly in public areas, dont judge him/ her or their parents yet. You dont know the full story. Leave all your judging judging your own life first.
stressed about the kind of school to send your child to when there are so little options
Hi there, i was browsing around and came across this website giving advice on what kind of school you can prepare your child who is diagnosed with autism at ages 3 onwards (aka preschool).
Q: can i send my child to an ordinary preschool?
Q: should i send my child to a preschool or have them stay at home?
Q: should my child attend an autism preschool?
Q: How to find a preschool for your child with autism
you can understand more on autism at this webpage:
every child is special in their own way, dont be ashamed just because your child was born with autism or any other kind of disablility, dont label your own child. Your child needs your support. I know it can be difficult especially when you bring your child who is not like any other average kids out to the mall or a diner and people starts looking at you "in a way" , take a deep breathe and smile back, let all ridicule and insults turn into a joke back at the person, people who understands the real meaning of life will treat you and your child with respect. Your child is what thats important. Face this challenge and you will realize you are blessed.
god bless you :) cheers!
Q: can i send my child to an ordinary preschool?
Q: should i send my child to a preschool or have them stay at home?
Q: should my child attend an autism preschool?
Q: How to find a preschool for your child with autism
you can understand more on autism at this webpage:
every child is special in their own way, dont be ashamed just because your child was born with autism or any other kind of disablility, dont label your own child. Your child needs your support. I know it can be difficult especially when you bring your child who is not like any other average kids out to the mall or a diner and people starts looking at you "in a way" , take a deep breathe and smile back, let all ridicule and insults turn into a joke back at the person, people who understands the real meaning of life will treat you and your child with respect. Your child is what thats important. Face this challenge and you will realize you are blessed.
god bless you :) cheers!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
its not the school, its the teacher.
Sent zyon off to school this morning and feeling really happy about his successful potty training, then decided im going to have to do my chores first, so i quickly get working on my chores. After everything was done, i sat down and switched on my computer, tuned in to the cctv channel and see what zyon was doing in school. I saw the kids were all ok and having fun so i wasnt really staring at the screen. Zyon's main teacher told me she would be on leave today and i was kindda feeling insecure that shes not around.. She mentioned to me that when she is not around, nobody bothers to give zyon water and attend to his needs when he requires help.
I was initially thinking of not letting him go to school today but then again, he will be changing teacher next year and he's gotta learn being without his current teacher. So eventually i dressed him up and sent him to school. I thought maybe i should just let go....
Nothing much happened this morning when i was watching the cctv then when i went to pick him up from school, I KNEW IT.
Somebody else's water bottle was hanging on him and his own in his schoolbag not touched at all. His t shirt was changed and pants were changed too. Catherine the school admin asked the teacher in charge today why was his attire changed the lady told her cos he spilled drinks on his shirt. And , he was pushed by his classmates, fell to the floor and bumped his head.
I mean whats he been drinking one whole day? And when we got home, his pants were drenched. not with water. with pee!!!!! Seriously!! 3 teachers today in his class helping out and yet my son comes home like that??????? i cant understand.
Just one day without the teacher and this happens . Its not the school thats helping my baby boy, its his teacher that teaches with passion. Its his teacher thats making the difference. Its his teacher thats helping him and guiding him.
His teacher. I would always be grateful.
I was initially thinking of not letting him go to school today but then again, he will be changing teacher next year and he's gotta learn being without his current teacher. So eventually i dressed him up and sent him to school. I thought maybe i should just let go....
Nothing much happened this morning when i was watching the cctv then when i went to pick him up from school, I KNEW IT.
Somebody else's water bottle was hanging on him and his own in his schoolbag not touched at all. His t shirt was changed and pants were changed too. Catherine the school admin asked the teacher in charge today why was his attire changed the lady told her cos he spilled drinks on his shirt. And , he was pushed by his classmates, fell to the floor and bumped his head.
I mean whats he been drinking one whole day? And when we got home, his pants were drenched. not with water. with pee!!!!! Seriously!! 3 teachers today in his class helping out and yet my son comes home like that??????? i cant understand.
Just one day without the teacher and this happens . Its not the school thats helping my baby boy, its his teacher that teaches with passion. Its his teacher thats making the difference. Its his teacher thats helping him and guiding him.
His teacher. I would always be grateful.
potty training
I tried potty training zyon about 6months ago and trust me the process was filled with tears and screams.. not easy at all. I mean i used the method that was used on me when i was young to teach my little boy and really, it had no effect on him at all. I asked the PD how do i potty train my boy? She then mentioned to me that dont force him, when he is ready, he will be ready, in the meantime just wait. So having a child is really sometimes just waiting..
So i waited, but i taught him how to pee in the toilet instead of his diapers. It all started out with him "dont dare to pee when hes not wearing diapers" and i had to ask him every now and then "zy, do you need to pee?" until it became a habit that he would wait for me to ask him 'if he needs to pee' before he really remembers yeah he needs to pee. i was scared that he might hold in his urine and its not healthy so these 6 months i have been constantly reminding him that he needs to pee.
When he started going to school, i was very worried becos he doesnt know how to express himself in regards to going to the toilet or he is hungry so i told the teacher that he needs to be reminded but its ok when other kids ask to go to the toilet , pls bring him as well, and in the meantime teach him too. And i will teach him at home too. But he always has 'accidents'. Comes home every now and then with the shorts i prepared for him, and i would know he peed in his pants again.. i was gettin rather frustrated not with my son but why dont the teacher bring him to the toilet as well when other kids are there?..... I didnt say anything to the teacher but never giving up on teaching him myself, until one day zyon came to me and held on to his pants where the penis should be and when i asked him "you wanna pee darling?" He ran straight to the toilet and waited for me to help him. Of cos seeing my son running to the toilet i didnt dare to dilly dally myself i ran after him! so this was what happened for the next 2months. The teacher then told me she sees him holding on to his pants at the penis area and she knows he needs to peee, and i said yeah i know i realized it as well :) All was well in school then. By this time i already took him off diapers in the day and only in the night he wears them. Also only in the night after he drinks his warm milk then he poops in his diapers then we clean him up, put on new diapers and he would go to bed. (i dunno why but zyon hardly poop in the day, and when he does need to poop, he will hold on to his tummy and i would quickly put on diapers for him to poop)
One day, i asked him "zy do you need to pee?" , he took off his own pants and ran towards the toilet! seeing this of cos i ran after him and he peed, and flush the pee away with the pail of water i put in the toilet!! OMG!!! i was shocked!!! i was happy!!! thrilled!!! ecstatic!!!! whatever u can use to describe happiness !!!! This too went on for 2 months.
Then on a normal monday 12 november 2012, 3 days before his 3rd birthday , i picked him up from school and his teacher said he had 2 big bowls of porridge! He actually asked for a second serving when he usually hates porridge! hm........ His teacher was as shocked as i was hahahaha! Everything was as per normal and he napped had dinner.. he suddenly held on to his tummy and bent down. I knew this was a sign that he is having a tummy ache and he needs to poo. So i decided, this is a good chance for me! I quickly took him to the toilet and took out the baby toilet seat and placed him on top of the toilet bowl, "mmmmm, mmmmmmm" i tried to 'entice' him to poop. He looked at me and said "mmmmm,mmmmm" then gestured that he wants to come down. So i said "ok, when u feel like pooping again tell mommy alright?" He ran back to the living room and played with his toys.
15 mins later, he came back to me held on to his tummy and bent down again whining, so i said "hurry, lets go poop!!" so both of us, mother and son ran to the toilet and i placed him on the toilet seat, and said "mmmmmm,mmmmmmm" and he looks at me and gave me a 'poop-face' i knew its working!!!! so he went "mmmmm , mmmmmm" with a poop face and poop came out!!!! i was soooooooooooooooooooo happy. After about 5 mins, i asked him "are u done baby?" he gestured that he wants to come down, so i washed his bum and praised him "well done!!! good boy!!! my baby's all grown up!!!!" He smiled and ran back to his toys :)
After shower, usually hubs would put on diapers for him but after seeing him poop in the toilet, i decided to ask him myself. I took out a pair of boxer and a diaper, one on each hand i asked him "which one do you want to wear baby?" He looked at me , then at the boxer and diapers, thought for a moment and he reached for his boxer! I laughed out loud and i said "ok boxer then!" So i put on his boxer and pants and got ready for bed.
Before he was gonna sleep i thought i should bring him to pee again just in case he needs to pee. After we came back i thought again that i shouldnt go to such extremes i was worried he might hold in his urine and its really not good for health so i decided to put on diapers for him first. When he saw his daddy coming to him with a diaper in his hands, he shook his head. He didnt want the diapers!! Then daddy explained that what if he forgot and wet his bed? So just put on for the night and zyon went along with it. He woke up at 4am whining and holding on to his penis area on his pants, i woke up hearing my baby whining and i saw him with the peeing action i told him its ok baby u are wearing diapers you can pee in your diapers, so he peed and went back to bed!
The next day all was as usual, we took the kids to a bookstore and although there were whinings and cryings on thinking which book to get, all of us eventually each got a book thanks to hubs. They were reading when i said it was time to shower. After i showered for zyon, again i asked him to make a choice, and he chose his boxer. So i told myself, my baby wants to wear boxer then boxer it shall be. I brought him to the toilet to pee and ask if he wanted to poop after milk, he went ont the seat and said "mmmmm , mmmmm" then gestured that he wanted to come down, so i told him "ok then poop tomorrow morning ok?" He ran back to the room and covered himself with the blanket.
4am came and my son was whining holding on to his pants wanting to pee and yet wanting to sleep so hubs carried him to the toilet and came back he fell asleep! Morning came and it ws 7:15am in the morning, i carried him and woke him up gently telling him its time to pee, he peed and then i carried him back to bed and made him milk to start the day. After milk zyon was fully awake,so i asked if he wants to poop, reluctantly he walked slowly to the toilet and i oout him on the toilet seat, he pooped! again i praised him!! He smiled and ran back to the room to change into his uniform!! i was so proud of my baby!!!!!!!! yes, this morning. This happened this morning!! :) Tomorrow is his birthday and im so happy my baby is all grown up!! Many more surprises waiting for us!!
So i waited, but i taught him how to pee in the toilet instead of his diapers. It all started out with him "dont dare to pee when hes not wearing diapers" and i had to ask him every now and then "zy, do you need to pee?" until it became a habit that he would wait for me to ask him 'if he needs to pee' before he really remembers yeah he needs to pee. i was scared that he might hold in his urine and its not healthy so these 6 months i have been constantly reminding him that he needs to pee.
When he started going to school, i was very worried becos he doesnt know how to express himself in regards to going to the toilet or he is hungry so i told the teacher that he needs to be reminded but its ok when other kids ask to go to the toilet , pls bring him as well, and in the meantime teach him too. And i will teach him at home too. But he always has 'accidents'. Comes home every now and then with the shorts i prepared for him, and i would know he peed in his pants again.. i was gettin rather frustrated not with my son but why dont the teacher bring him to the toilet as well when other kids are there?..... I didnt say anything to the teacher but never giving up on teaching him myself, until one day zyon came to me and held on to his pants where the penis should be and when i asked him "you wanna pee darling?" He ran straight to the toilet and waited for me to help him. Of cos seeing my son running to the toilet i didnt dare to dilly dally myself i ran after him! so this was what happened for the next 2months. The teacher then told me she sees him holding on to his pants at the penis area and she knows he needs to peee, and i said yeah i know i realized it as well :) All was well in school then. By this time i already took him off diapers in the day and only in the night he wears them. Also only in the night after he drinks his warm milk then he poops in his diapers then we clean him up, put on new diapers and he would go to bed. (i dunno why but zyon hardly poop in the day, and when he does need to poop, he will hold on to his tummy and i would quickly put on diapers for him to poop)
One day, i asked him "zy do you need to pee?" , he took off his own pants and ran towards the toilet! seeing this of cos i ran after him and he peed, and flush the pee away with the pail of water i put in the toilet!! OMG!!! i was shocked!!! i was happy!!! thrilled!!! ecstatic!!!! whatever u can use to describe happiness !!!! This too went on for 2 months.
Then on a normal monday 12 november 2012, 3 days before his 3rd birthday , i picked him up from school and his teacher said he had 2 big bowls of porridge! He actually asked for a second serving when he usually hates porridge! hm........ His teacher was as shocked as i was hahahaha! Everything was as per normal and he napped had dinner.. he suddenly held on to his tummy and bent down. I knew this was a sign that he is having a tummy ache and he needs to poo. So i decided, this is a good chance for me! I quickly took him to the toilet and took out the baby toilet seat and placed him on top of the toilet bowl, "mmmmm, mmmmmmm" i tried to 'entice' him to poop. He looked at me and said "mmmmm,mmmmm" then gestured that he wants to come down. So i said "ok, when u feel like pooping again tell mommy alright?" He ran back to the living room and played with his toys.
15 mins later, he came back to me held on to his tummy and bent down again whining, so i said "hurry, lets go poop!!" so both of us, mother and son ran to the toilet and i placed him on the toilet seat, and said "mmmmmm,mmmmmmm" and he looks at me and gave me a 'poop-face' i knew its working!!!! so he went "mmmmm , mmmmmm" with a poop face and poop came out!!!! i was soooooooooooooooooooo happy. After about 5 mins, i asked him "are u done baby?" he gestured that he wants to come down, so i washed his bum and praised him "well done!!! good boy!!! my baby's all grown up!!!!" He smiled and ran back to his toys :)
After shower, usually hubs would put on diapers for him but after seeing him poop in the toilet, i decided to ask him myself. I took out a pair of boxer and a diaper, one on each hand i asked him "which one do you want to wear baby?" He looked at me , then at the boxer and diapers, thought for a moment and he reached for his boxer! I laughed out loud and i said "ok boxer then!" So i put on his boxer and pants and got ready for bed.
Before he was gonna sleep i thought i should bring him to pee again just in case he needs to pee. After we came back i thought again that i shouldnt go to such extremes i was worried he might hold in his urine and its really not good for health so i decided to put on diapers for him first. When he saw his daddy coming to him with a diaper in his hands, he shook his head. He didnt want the diapers!! Then daddy explained that what if he forgot and wet his bed? So just put on for the night and zyon went along with it. He woke up at 4am whining and holding on to his penis area on his pants, i woke up hearing my baby whining and i saw him with the peeing action i told him its ok baby u are wearing diapers you can pee in your diapers, so he peed and went back to bed!
The next day all was as usual, we took the kids to a bookstore and although there were whinings and cryings on thinking which book to get, all of us eventually each got a book thanks to hubs. They were reading when i said it was time to shower. After i showered for zyon, again i asked him to make a choice, and he chose his boxer. So i told myself, my baby wants to wear boxer then boxer it shall be. I brought him to the toilet to pee and ask if he wanted to poop after milk, he went ont the seat and said "mmmmm , mmmmm" then gestured that he wanted to come down, so i told him "ok then poop tomorrow morning ok?" He ran back to the room and covered himself with the blanket.
4am came and my son was whining holding on to his pants wanting to pee and yet wanting to sleep so hubs carried him to the toilet and came back he fell asleep! Morning came and it ws 7:15am in the morning, i carried him and woke him up gently telling him its time to pee, he peed and then i carried him back to bed and made him milk to start the day. After milk zyon was fully awake,so i asked if he wants to poop, reluctantly he walked slowly to the toilet and i oout him on the toilet seat, he pooped! again i praised him!! He smiled and ran back to the room to change into his uniform!! i was so proud of my baby!!!!!!!! yes, this morning. This happened this morning!! :) Tomorrow is his birthday and im so happy my baby is all grown up!! Many more surprises waiting for us!!
another weekend, another uncle!!
Its another weekend!! And this time round, my other brother called to say he was gonna visit with his girlfriend together with my aunt. So i said 'great! come over'.
When they were almost reaching, i got the father to fetch them at the station and i put the kids to bed. Zonya slept straightaway and zyon was tired but he was restless. Walking here and there like as though he knew his uncle was coming but he was tired.. dont know if he should go to bed or wait. The father brought them to have a late dinner first. When they finally arrived, zyon heard tthe 'clangings' of the keys and went to peep at the door, daddy opened the door and came in my aunt, my brother's girlfriend and eventually my brother walked in! Zyon jumped and jumped!! so happy!! Immediately he pulled his uncle's hand and took him to play ball with him , he hugged and sat on his lap and followed wherever my brother went! Its really good to see my son being so happy.
Its times like this i wish time would stop.
When i look at my son with all these reactions and expressions, i cant help but tell myself, 'he couldnt be autistic right? look at him, it must be a misdiagnosed' repeatedly.
I feel sad that he has a condition but then again i feel happy seeing him happy and laughing...
The next day, he spent the day doing his usual stuffs, reading and watching a bit of tv..etc. While watching a program whereby a person acting like a bird chases another person acting as a ranger, he held my hands to his eyes and covered them!! So cute! It was like 'i cant watch this! i cant watch this!!!!'
He showed many new reactions and expressions during this weekend :) Its another step forward isnt it? :)
When they were almost reaching, i got the father to fetch them at the station and i put the kids to bed. Zonya slept straightaway and zyon was tired but he was restless. Walking here and there like as though he knew his uncle was coming but he was tired.. dont know if he should go to bed or wait. The father brought them to have a late dinner first. When they finally arrived, zyon heard tthe 'clangings' of the keys and went to peep at the door, daddy opened the door and came in my aunt, my brother's girlfriend and eventually my brother walked in! Zyon jumped and jumped!! so happy!! Immediately he pulled his uncle's hand and took him to play ball with him , he hugged and sat on his lap and followed wherever my brother went! Its really good to see my son being so happy.
Its times like this i wish time would stop.
When i look at my son with all these reactions and expressions, i cant help but tell myself, 'he couldnt be autistic right? look at him, it must be a misdiagnosed' repeatedly.
I feel sad that he has a condition but then again i feel happy seeing him happy and laughing...
The next day, he spent the day doing his usual stuffs, reading and watching a bit of tv..etc. While watching a program whereby a person acting like a bird chases another person acting as a ranger, he held my hands to his eyes and covered them!! So cute! It was like 'i cant watch this! i cant watch this!!!!'
He showed many new reactions and expressions during this weekend :) Its another step forward isnt it? :)
favourite uncle comes to visit!
I'm Its the weekend and my aunts and younger brother were coming over to vsit. When they arrived, zyon was thrilled! Jumping up and down, running here and there and eyes fixated on his uncle. (I dont know why but even though zyon didnt grow up with his uncles by side, he is especially close to them) So my brother hugged him and he held my brother's hand and brought him to play in the room :)
Zyon loves his uncle so much that even if they're not talkng or playing, just the presence of my brother by his side makes him comfortable enough!!So long his uncle is sitting or sleeping there beside him.... Then zyon started performing for them, dancing songs from hi 5 and the chicken dance he did for his school concert. One of my aunt then pointed to zyon's school uniform and asked,
"who's school uniform is that? Its so nice! Is it yours?" looking at zyon.
"yes" zyon smiled and nodded
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone was shocked! but of cos in a good way.
When they were going to leave, this time round zyon didnt cry, he waved them goodbye and everything was normal again.
The next day, he woke up feeling extremely happy and danced the whole morning away! And the day was as usual nothing much happened, after dinner, we brought him and zonya to an exotic petshop and a hamster caught his attention. We called it 'The crazy Rodent'. It was just running back and forth back and forth non stop! My kids laughed so loudly everyone came over to see what they were laughing at hahah and the father even wanted to buy the hamster home cos they loved it but of cos we didnt in the end. The father was worried it will die, squashed by either one of the kids cos they cant handle small animals yet. LOL.
Zyon loves his uncle so much that even if they're not talkng or playing, just the presence of my brother by his side makes him comfortable enough!!So long his uncle is sitting or sleeping there beside him.... Then zyon started performing for them, dancing songs from hi 5 and the chicken dance he did for his school concert. One of my aunt then pointed to zyon's school uniform and asked,
"who's school uniform is that? Its so nice! Is it yours?" looking at zyon.
"yes" zyon smiled and nodded
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone was shocked! but of cos in a good way.
When they were going to leave, this time round zyon didnt cry, he waved them goodbye and everything was normal again.
The next day, he woke up feeling extremely happy and danced the whole morning away! And the day was as usual nothing much happened, after dinner, we brought him and zonya to an exotic petshop and a hamster caught his attention. We called it 'The crazy Rodent'. It was just running back and forth back and forth non stop! My kids laughed so loudly everyone came over to see what they were laughing at hahah and the father even wanted to buy the hamster home cos they loved it but of cos we didnt in the end. The father was worried it will die, squashed by either one of the kids cos they cant handle small animals yet. LOL.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
a normal day
Showed Zyzy my wedding photos and video, he smiled and smiled thinking its funny and when he saw a picture of my brother, his favourite uncle, he pointed and said "jiu jiu" ! My husband and i were shocked! Its like he knows who the uncle is and what to address him but it has to depend on his mood if we want him to talk!! lol. But hey good improvement isnt it?
The i taught him to to shower for himself, well he turns 3 only in november but i wanted him to have a brief idea of how to shower himself and he smiled and thought it was fun :) turns out we really had great fun in the bathroom hahaha and he brushed his teeth himself!! another good improvement!!
Later in the evening, we brought the kids to the hawker and that was the official first time they've ever been to a hawker, they were so excited! And zyon started making funny noises and pointed here and there, feeling extremely excited and happy!! Good exposure!
My bestie came to visit me in the night and brought many books passed down by her little girl. Because the kids were sleepling so i placed them nicely on zyon's study table to surprise him in the morning. True enough he woke up and got so happy he flipped thru and thru the 'new' books!! And even refused to leave for school! LOL!! Eventually of cos he still went to school, when he came home, he removed his shoes in quick speed and ran straight to his study table in the room and started picking out the books, jumped onto the bed and started reading thru, i laughed then say "eeeee, baby so dirty and you jumped onto the bed!!! eeeeee!!!!" He laughed then grabbed his towel and headed straight to shower, in a total good mood!! After shower, when he saw his briefs he whined and put on reluctantly hahahahah actually its becos he prefers his boxers rather than briefs!!! hahahaha!! He wanted to wear his boxers and i told him "baby briefs is ok too right? mummy will change all your briefs to boxers ok? make do for now alright? " then he put on his pants and went back to his reading.. hahahahaha
My baby's growing up huh>... so many boy issues... LOL
The i taught him to to shower for himself, well he turns 3 only in november but i wanted him to have a brief idea of how to shower himself and he smiled and thought it was fun :) turns out we really had great fun in the bathroom hahaha and he brushed his teeth himself!! another good improvement!!
Later in the evening, we brought the kids to the hawker and that was the official first time they've ever been to a hawker, they were so excited! And zyon started making funny noises and pointed here and there, feeling extremely excited and happy!! Good exposure!
My bestie came to visit me in the night and brought many books passed down by her little girl. Because the kids were sleepling so i placed them nicely on zyon's study table to surprise him in the morning. True enough he woke up and got so happy he flipped thru and thru the 'new' books!! And even refused to leave for school! LOL!! Eventually of cos he still went to school, when he came home, he removed his shoes in quick speed and ran straight to his study table in the room and started picking out the books, jumped onto the bed and started reading thru, i laughed then say "eeeee, baby so dirty and you jumped onto the bed!!! eeeeee!!!!" He laughed then grabbed his towel and headed straight to shower, in a total good mood!! After shower, when he saw his briefs he whined and put on reluctantly hahahahah actually its becos he prefers his boxers rather than briefs!!! hahahaha!! He wanted to wear his boxers and i told him "baby briefs is ok too right? mummy will change all your briefs to boxers ok? make do for now alright? " then he put on his pants and went back to his reading.. hahahahaha
My baby's growing up huh>... so many boy issues... LOL
boy fights
A brand new day and my baby boy woke up coughing.. well it could be that his throat was dry so i made him milk and after a while got him dressed for school. its just another day and nothing much was going on, we were doing what we do ever morning and i got new stickers to stick on zyon's lunchbox :) cute space stickers.. he was so happy!! Its the best feeling to see your child being so happy early in the morning.. nothing else beats that. Hes been really into stickers lately and i wonder why... probably its like full of little pictures or stuff like that.. he loves small pictures and stuffs hahahaha. Off he went to school and off i went to do my chores.
Was time to pick him up and when i reached the school, i saw that the teachers looked at me awkwardly and hurried to explain that zyon fought in school. i was like "huh? my son? fought in school? no way man..." I mean zyon has always been gentle and i was very worried that he might not be able to stand up for himself if he gets bullied, thats how gentle he is and now im being told he fought in school??? no way man! no way. *shakes head*
so the teacher then explained to me, the class were doing art work and zyon apparently wanted his classmates's art and he just took it away in a nonchalant manner, okok you can say he snatched it haha and his classmate's first reaction was 'hit his face'. And when that boy hit my son, my son hit him back! And zyon was going to pinch that boy the teacher reached them and stop the fight. The teacher was explaining the story to me slowly in details, to her she is doing her job. To me, the words she used, the phrases she said, its like its my son's fault. Ok i dont deny that in the first place zyon shouldnt snatch the art piece, but that boy shouldnt hit him in his face, isnt it?? And as teachers, they should teach zyon its wrong to snatch, and teach that boy its wrong to hit. Then make them shake hands and explain that they are classmates and they should love and respect each other, no fighting. Right? NO!! THEY DIDNT DO THAT. HOW ARE THE KIDS GONNA STOP FIGHTING???? The teacher said :-
"becos zyon snatched the boy's art thats why the boy hit him and zyon hit him back and wanted to pinch him but i stopped them, zyon has started to hit back and bite people huh? he wasnt like that i was like whoa" .
AND I WAS LIKE WTF??? Because nobody is telling the kids its not right to hit. And seriously what was the teacher trying to say? Maybe im being sensitive but as a mother with a son who hasnt started talking yet, hey how would i know if its not like that? Maybe there were some reasons behind? If you dont provoke my son, he will never touch you. I mean who knows my child better than me the mother who stays wth him 24/7?? right?And its not the first time, the first time i saw it myself on the cctv that there was a boy who stomped on my son and stepped on him over and over again on his tummy!!!!! i called the school straightaway and asked "why is that boy stomping on zyon non stop? can somebody please stop him???? my son is crying!!" The teacher then apologized when i picked him up on that day and said she will watch him closely.This time, Zyon's face, nose bridge and upper cheek were scratched and was slightly bleeding!!!!! sigh.......... even though i was mad, but my son was in the fault too and i explained he shouldnt be snatching other people's things and hitting people. And coming to think about it , boys will fight defintely, and i cant be there to protect zyon all the time, he has to know that there are bound to have such people around and he musnt be afraid.
OF COS the class teacher apologized to me and i looked at her sincerely and said "its ok , i understand that you cant watch so many kids at one time, and as kids ths is bound to happen. especially boys.."
When i told my family and friends, they were shocked that zyon fought, they too think that the boy must have hit him first! I of cos feel that too..
So the next day i followed the cctv closely and decided chores can be done later, i spent the morning 'stalking' my son on the cctv hahahaha and i saw a boy going around pulling other girl's pigtails, pushing and hitting other kids in class. I shook my head and think, 'why isnt anyone stopping that boy?'..... This made me realized yes, there will always be a bully in the different phases of life. This is what we call Growing up.
Isnt it stressful for parents as well as the child thats attending school? Meeting people from all sorts of family background and values....
Sunday, November 4, 2012
the chicken dance!
.Zyon had his school concert performance on a sunday and we were very very excited! It was my Little boy's first performance and its a school thing so we were really very nervous! To some parents it may seem a very "normal thing", but to us because of Zyon's condition, we dont know how his reaction to the performance will be like and to face so many people in the audience! wow..... seemed like totally impossible!
When we first knew he was going to perform in school, i joked to my husband saying "he might be asked to act as the tree on stage if its a play, because he wont need to say any lines and wont have to move and remember any steps! haha"
My husband laughed.
Then when the date was about 2 months before the performance, Zyzy started dancing and 'singing' but his own language so i told my husband in a joking manner again saying "looking at him cant stay in a place for long i think he should be the butterfly, so maybe all he needs to do is run around fluttering like a butterfly! hahahaha".
Before the concert date, there was going to be a meet the parents session in school and as usual, becos of my baby's condition i was a nervous wreck!! i felt like throwing up and was constantly feeling nauseous.. And when the teacher met up wth us, she told us zyon improved alot and listens to instuctions now as well as he will sit down and pay attention to her. Also she is trying to teach him new words etc.. Then she mentioned, however she is very worried becos she will not be his main teacher next school year, and she is worried that he may not be able to accept the new teacher so fast.. and she was also worried about whether or not the next teacher will be patient with him. I asked her, then if that was the case, would she recommend us to get zyon another school? She didnt give me any exact answers but said "if it is better than here why not consider?" Its not that this school is bad, teachers are mean, but its the issue of 'if there is a better one, why not consider changing? isnt it? All parents want the best for their children,let alone my baby's condition, he needs a teacher who teaches with passion.
When we were leaving, the teacher told us that we will have to get yellow colored t shirt and shorts for zyon for his school concert performance, he will be doing the chicken dance :)
For the next few weeks, we tried to search high and low for the pair of yellow shorts. YELLOW SHORTS. YOU CANT SEEM TO FIND THEM ANYWHERE!!!! There were red, blue, orange even green!! Just NO yellow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was like 'NO!!! I was already nervous like hell and now no yellow shorts??? how to perform?????!!' The next thing we knew, we hunted for a whole month before we came across this market brand 'sunbaby'. It comes with the tshirt but with low budget cartoon characters and Zyon wont be able to fit into the size.. but hey, who cares. I only need the pair of shorts that comes along with it. Thank goodness!!!!!!! shorts found!!!!!
[3 weeks before the concert]
We've been practising the chicken dance with zyon as much as possible and he can really dance well! i was so happy when i first saw how he danced as soon as i put on the music. His daddy laughed, i laughed, anybody who came to my house for visits i get him to perform so as to not make him nervous to see so many parents watching. 3 days before the concert, the school has a erhearsal at the hotel function hall where they will be performing, and zy's teacher was telling us he refused to dance and theres nothing they could do to make him. i jokingly told my husband 'oh dear... everyone will know him if he dont dance on stage but ends up crying or throwing his tantrums..a case of being famous overnight! hahaha'
On the day itself
Zyon's concert starts at 9am but all children will have to be at the venue at 8am for preparations and stuffs. So i got up at 6am, packed all the necessary stuffs and headed out feeling extremely nervous!!! My son was going to perform today!!!!! ah!!!!! When we reached, he went into the dressing room to gather with his classmates and we waited for the time to register before i went into the function hall i was captivated by one of the views through the window. The sky was so blue and clear, the clouds looked like marshmallows! Suddenly i said' God, pls pls bess zyon, let him finish his dance properly, pls bless him. Amen.' then off i went into the function hall. We were seated in 45mins time and the concert started late. Basically because it seems to be a culture in the chinese race to be LATE for everything!!! People are late for dinners, celebrations, weddings..etc and now their children's school concerts!! Personally i hate no i despise people who are late. Its like robbers!! They rob your time!!!! Really inconsiderate and rude. ok back to the concert. When we got the program list, we quickly look and saw our son's performance was the 4th in line, hahahaha really nervous.
Speech, done. Sppech by graduating students, done. Piano performance, done. OK!! Zyon's next!!!!! The teachers held their hands and walked out one by one to their positions and the first was my son!!!! I was screaming 'woohoo!!!!' And before the music starts, my boy was already dancing , the next thing you know the music starts and he start all over again!! SO CUTE! SUPER CUTENESS! I CANT STAND IT!!! AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep , i was a crazy but PROUD MOMMY!!! There were about 6 of his classsmates that just stood there and did nothing. I was so happy!!! filmng and laughing away , and true enough, my baby boy finished his performance with an A.
Proud mommy proud mommy i was a proud mommy!!!And duh~ i still am a proud mommy!! hahaha His teacher saw me in the ladies and told me 'ah mommy you must be very happy today huh zyon did a very good job! He did so well!'
I was like 'ya!! i nearly cried!!! im so happy!!'
Im so surprised at how well my son did.. really ... Praise god!!!!!!
For the next few weeks, we tried to search high and low for the pair of yellow shorts. YELLOW SHORTS. YOU CANT SEEM TO FIND THEM ANYWHERE!!!! There were red, blue, orange even green!! Just NO yellow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was like 'NO!!! I was already nervous like hell and now no yellow shorts??? how to perform?????!!' The next thing we knew, we hunted for a whole month before we came across this market brand 'sunbaby'. It comes with the tshirt but with low budget cartoon characters and Zyon wont be able to fit into the size.. but hey, who cares. I only need the pair of shorts that comes along with it. Thank goodness!!!!!!! shorts found!!!!!
[3 weeks before the concert]
We've been practising the chicken dance with zyon as much as possible and he can really dance well! i was so happy when i first saw how he danced as soon as i put on the music. His daddy laughed, i laughed, anybody who came to my house for visits i get him to perform so as to not make him nervous to see so many parents watching. 3 days before the concert, the school has a erhearsal at the hotel function hall where they will be performing, and zy's teacher was telling us he refused to dance and theres nothing they could do to make him. i jokingly told my husband 'oh dear... everyone will know him if he dont dance on stage but ends up crying or throwing his tantrums..a case of being famous overnight! hahaha'
On the day itself
Zyon's concert starts at 9am but all children will have to be at the venue at 8am for preparations and stuffs. So i got up at 6am, packed all the necessary stuffs and headed out feeling extremely nervous!!! My son was going to perform today!!!!! ah!!!!! When we reached, he went into the dressing room to gather with his classmates and we waited for the time to register before i went into the function hall i was captivated by one of the views through the window. The sky was so blue and clear, the clouds looked like marshmallows! Suddenly i said' God, pls pls bess zyon, let him finish his dance properly, pls bless him. Amen.' then off i went into the function hall. We were seated in 45mins time and the concert started late. Basically because it seems to be a culture in the chinese race to be LATE for everything!!! People are late for dinners, celebrations, weddings..etc and now their children's school concerts!! Personally i hate no i despise people who are late. Its like robbers!! They rob your time!!!! Really inconsiderate and rude. ok back to the concert. When we got the program list, we quickly look and saw our son's performance was the 4th in line, hahahaha really nervous.
Speech, done. Sppech by graduating students, done. Piano performance, done. OK!! Zyon's next!!!!! The teachers held their hands and walked out one by one to their positions and the first was my son!!!! I was screaming 'woohoo!!!!' And before the music starts, my boy was already dancing , the next thing you know the music starts and he start all over again!! SO CUTE! SUPER CUTENESS! I CANT STAND IT!!! AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep , i was a crazy but PROUD MOMMY!!! There were about 6 of his classsmates that just stood there and did nothing. I was so happy!!! filmng and laughing away , and true enough, my baby boy finished his performance with an A.
Proud mommy proud mommy i was a proud mommy!!!And duh~ i still am a proud mommy!! hahaha His teacher saw me in the ladies and told me 'ah mommy you must be very happy today huh zyon did a very good job! He did so well!'
I was like 'ya!! i nearly cried!!! im so happy!!'
Im so surprised at how well my son did.. really ... Praise god!!!!!!
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