Sunday, November 4, 2012

the chicken dance!

.Zyon had his school concert performance on a sunday and we were very very excited! It was my Little boy's first performance and its a school thing so we were really very nervous! To some parents it may seem a very "normal thing", but to us because of Zyon's condition, we dont know how his reaction to the performance will be like and to face so many people in the audience! wow..... seemed like totally impossible!
When we first knew he was going to perform in school, i joked to my husband saying "he might be asked to act as the tree on stage if its a play, because he wont need to say any lines and wont have to move and remember any steps! haha"
My husband laughed.
Then when the date was about 2 months before the performance, Zyzy started dancing and 'singing' but his own language so i told my husband in a joking manner again saying "looking at him cant stay in a place for long i think he should be the butterfly, so maybe all he needs to do is run around fluttering like a butterfly! hahahaha".
Before the concert date, there was going to be a meet the parents session in school and as usual, becos of my baby's condition i was a nervous wreck!! i felt like throwing up and was constantly feeling nauseous.. And when the teacher met up wth us, she told us zyon improved alot and listens to instuctions now as well as he will sit down and pay attention to her. Also she is trying to teach him new words etc.. Then she mentioned, however she is very worried becos she will not be his main teacher next school year, and she is worried that he may not be able to accept the new teacher so fast.. and she was also worried about whether or not the next teacher will be patient with him. I asked her, then if that was the case, would she recommend us to get zyon another school? She didnt give me any exact answers but said "if it is better than here why not consider?" Its not that this school is bad, teachers are mean, but its the issue of 'if there is a better one, why not consider changing? isnt it? All parents want the best for their children,let alone my baby's condition, he needs a teacher who teaches with passion.
When we were leaving, the teacher told us that we will have to get yellow colored t shirt and shorts for zyon for his school concert performance, he will be doing the chicken dance :)

For the next few weeks, we tried to search high and low for the pair of yellow shorts. YELLOW SHORTS. YOU CANT SEEM TO FIND THEM ANYWHERE!!!! There were red, blue, orange even green!! Just NO yellow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was like 'NO!!! I was already nervous like hell and now no yellow shorts??? how to perform?????!!' The next thing we knew, we hunted for a whole month before we came across this market brand 'sunbaby'. It comes with the tshirt but with low budget cartoon characters and Zyon wont be able to fit into the size.. but hey, who cares. I only need the pair of shorts that comes along with it. Thank goodness!!!!!!! shorts found!!!!!

[3 weeks before the concert]

We've been practising the chicken dance with zyon as much as possible and he can really dance well! i was so happy when i first saw how he danced as soon as i put on the music. His daddy laughed, i laughed, anybody who came to my house for visits i get him to perform so as to not make him nervous to see so many parents watching. 3 days before the concert, the school has a erhearsal at the hotel function hall where they will be performing, and zy's teacher was telling us he refused to dance and theres nothing they could do to make him. i jokingly told my husband 'oh dear... everyone will know him if he dont dance on stage but ends up crying or throwing his tantrums..a case of being famous overnight! hahaha'

On the day itself

Zyon's concert starts at 9am but all children will have to be at the venue at 8am for preparations and stuffs. So i got up at 6am, packed all the necessary stuffs and headed out feeling extremely nervous!!! My son was going to perform today!!!!! ah!!!!! When we reached, he went into the dressing room to gather with his classmates and we waited for the time to register before i went into the function hall i was captivated by one of the views through the window. The sky was so blue and clear, the clouds looked like marshmallows! Suddenly i said' God, pls pls bess zyon, let him finish his dance properly, pls bless him. Amen.' then off i went into the function hall. We were seated in 45mins time and the concert started late. Basically because it seems to be a culture in the chinese race to be LATE for everything!!! People are late for dinners, celebrations, weddings..etc and now their children's school concerts!! Personally i hate no i despise people who are late. Its like robbers!! They rob your time!!!! Really inconsiderate and rude. ok back to the concert. When we got the program list, we quickly look and saw our son's performance was the 4th in line, hahahaha really nervous.

Speech, done. Sppech by graduating students, done. Piano performance, done. OK!! Zyon's next!!!!! The teachers held their hands and walked out one by one to their positions and the first was my son!!!! I was screaming 'woohoo!!!!' And before the music starts, my boy was already dancing , the next thing you know the music starts and he start all over again!! SO CUTE! SUPER CUTENESS! I CANT STAND IT!!! AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep , i was a crazy but PROUD MOMMY!!! There were about 6 of his classsmates that just stood there and did nothing. I was so happy!!! filmng and laughing away , and true enough, my baby boy finished his performance with an A.

Proud mommy proud mommy i was a proud mommy!!!And duh~ i still am a proud mommy!! hahaha His teacher saw me in the ladies and told me 'ah mommy you must be very happy today huh zyon did a very good job! He did so well!'
I was like 'ya!! i nearly cried!!! im so happy!!'

Im so surprised at how well my son did.. really ... Praise god!!!!!!



  2. hahahaha yeah when i get the dvd i will show u the video!!!

  3. Yay for Zyon!!

    Please upload the video clip here!


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