I tried potty training zyon about 6months ago and trust me the process was filled with tears and screams.. not easy at all. I mean i used the method that was used on me when i was young to teach my little boy and really, it had no effect on him at all. I asked the PD how do i potty train my boy? She then mentioned to me that dont force him, when he is ready, he will be ready, in the meantime just wait. So having a child is really sometimes just waiting..
So i waited, but i taught him how to pee in the toilet instead of his diapers. It all started out with him "dont dare to pee when hes not wearing diapers" and i had to ask him every now and then "zy, do you need to pee?" until it became a habit that he would wait for me to ask him 'if he needs to pee' before he really remembers yeah he needs to pee. i was scared that he might hold in his urine and its not healthy so these 6 months i have been constantly reminding him that he needs to pee.
When he started going to school, i was very worried becos he doesnt know how to express himself in regards to going to the toilet or he is hungry so i told the teacher that he needs to be reminded but its ok when other kids ask to go to the toilet , pls bring him as well, and in the meantime teach him too. And i will teach him at home too. But he always has 'accidents'. Comes home every now and then with the shorts i prepared for him, and i would know he peed in his pants again.. i was gettin rather frustrated not with my son but why dont the teacher bring him to the toilet as well when other kids are there?..... I didnt say anything to the teacher but never giving up on teaching him myself, until one day zyon came to me and held on to his pants where the penis should be and when i asked him "you wanna pee darling?" He ran straight to the toilet and waited for me to help him. Of cos seeing my son running to the toilet i didnt dare to dilly dally myself i ran after him! so this was what happened for the next 2months. The teacher then told me she sees him holding on to his pants at the penis area and she knows he needs to peee, and i said yeah i know i realized it as well :) All was well in school then. By this time i already took him off diapers in the day and only in the night he wears them. Also only in the night after he drinks his warm milk then he poops in his diapers then we clean him up, put on new diapers and he would go to bed. (i dunno why but zyon hardly poop in the day, and when he does need to poop, he will hold on to his tummy and i would quickly put on diapers for him to poop)
One day, i asked him "zy do you need to pee?" , he took off his own pants and ran towards the toilet! seeing this of cos i ran after him and he peed, and flush the pee away with the pail of water i put in the toilet!! OMG!!! i was shocked!!! i was happy!!! thrilled!!! ecstatic!!!! whatever u can use to describe happiness !!!! This too went on for 2 months.
Then on a normal monday 12 november 2012, 3 days before his 3rd birthday , i picked him up from school and his teacher said he had 2 big bowls of porridge! He actually asked for a second serving when he usually hates porridge! hm........ His teacher was as shocked as i was hahahaha! Everything was as per normal and he napped had dinner.. he suddenly held on to his tummy and bent down. I knew this was a sign that he is having a tummy ache and he needs to poo. So i decided, this is a good chance for me! I quickly took him to the toilet and took out the baby toilet seat and placed him on top of the toilet bowl, "mmmmm, mmmmmmm" i tried to 'entice' him to poop. He looked at me and said "mmmmm,mmmmm" then gestured that he wants to come down. So i said "ok, when u feel like pooping again tell mommy alright?" He ran back to the living room and played with his toys.
15 mins later, he came back to me held on to his tummy and bent down again whining, so i said "hurry, lets go poop!!" so both of us, mother and son ran to the toilet and i placed him on the toilet seat, and said "mmmmmm,mmmmmmm" and he looks at me and gave me a 'poop-face' i knew its working!!!! so he went "mmmmm , mmmmmm" with a poop face and poop came out!!!! i was soooooooooooooooooooo happy. After about 5 mins, i asked him "are u done baby?" he gestured that he wants to come down, so i washed his bum and praised him "well done!!! good boy!!! my baby's all grown up!!!!" He smiled and ran back to his toys :)
After shower, usually hubs would put on diapers for him but after seeing him poop in the toilet, i decided to ask him myself. I took out a pair of boxer and a diaper, one on each hand i asked him "which one do you want to wear baby?" He looked at me , then at the boxer and diapers, thought for a moment and he reached for his boxer! I laughed out loud and i said "ok boxer then!" So i put on his boxer and pants and got ready for bed.
Before he was gonna sleep i thought i should bring him to pee again just in case he needs to pee. After we came back i thought again that i shouldnt go to such extremes i was worried he might hold in his urine and its really not good for health so i decided to put on diapers for him first. When he saw his daddy coming to him with a diaper in his hands, he shook his head. He didnt want the diapers!! Then daddy explained that what if he forgot and wet his bed? So just put on for the night and zyon went along with it. He woke up at 4am whining and holding on to his penis area on his pants, i woke up hearing my baby whining and i saw him with the peeing action i told him its ok baby u are wearing diapers you can pee in your diapers, so he peed and went back to bed!
The next day all was as usual, we took the kids to a bookstore and although there were whinings and cryings on thinking which book to get, all of us eventually each got a book thanks to hubs. They were reading when i said it was time to shower. After i showered for zyon, again i asked him to make a choice, and he chose his boxer. So i told myself, my baby wants to wear boxer then boxer it shall be. I brought him to the toilet to pee and ask if he wanted to poop after milk, he went ont the seat and said "mmmmm , mmmmm" then gestured that he wanted to come down, so i told him "ok then poop tomorrow morning ok?" He ran back to the room and covered himself with the blanket.
4am came and my son was whining holding on to his pants wanting to pee and yet wanting to sleep so hubs carried him to the toilet and came back he fell asleep! Morning came and it ws 7:15am in the morning, i carried him and woke him up gently telling him its time to pee, he peed and then i carried him back to bed and made him milk to start the day. After milk zyon was fully awake,so i asked if he wants to poop, reluctantly he walked slowly to the toilet and i oout him on the toilet seat, he pooped! again i praised him!! He smiled and ran back to the room to change into his uniform!! i was so proud of my baby!!!!!!!! yes, this morning. This happened this morning!! :) Tomorrow is his birthday and im so happy my baby is all grown up!! Many more surprises waiting for us!!
Every child is born different and to each is special in their own way. Im a proud mother of my very Special son....
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